Fall In Love Every Day

Today my note from the universe simply said,  “Who will you re-fall in love with today, Jackie?”.  I enjoy hearing from the universe every day, even if the universe has really awful grammar (and I’m not on to talk).  It seems that some days the notes are more poignant than others.  Today’s was one that really hit home (sorry it’s World Series Time. I’m all baseball thinking all the time).  We all know that I’ve waded in the dating world for the last year or so with not a lot of success.  After trying to analyze my success, or lack there of, over and over, I have pretty much given up trying to find all the answers. It’ll happen when it happens. I have a certain amount of faith that fate has something in store for me.  Whether it comes knocking tomorrow or a year from now, I know it’s out there.  So it doesn’t do me a lot of good sit around on my couch with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s  having a pity party.  Especially, when I know that I can fall in love every day.

In the last few months, I’ve discovered that if you find a way to fall in love every day, it makes life just a little bit better.  Think of how many times you say “I love…” in any given day.  It’s a ton.  There are all kinds of love in this world, but in most cases, you have to fall in love with something or someone every day.  So why not celebrate it?  Search out those moments every day, so when you lay your head down at night you can proudly say, “Today I fell in love with [insert person/place/thing here].”   Think for a minute what that would do for your spirit.  How does it feel when you go to bed every night knowing that you fell in love that day?  What is your morning like when you know you’re going to fall in love during the day?  Sure falling in love with a cookie is going to be different from falling in love with your toddler on Halloween or the smell of the forest just after it rains — but love is love. No matter what package it comes wrapped in. Find it where you can and celebrate it every day.  I guarantee in doing so you will find immense amounts of joy and that warm fuzzy feeling we all long for.

What did you fall in love with today? 

6 thoughts on “Fall In Love Every Day

  1. Okay, this may be lame….but I fell in love with your post about Pagan and his illness. Who knew? I found it remarkable that he talks about it, since for some ridiculous reason people just don’t want to discuss this disease. Secondly, I was already in love with the Giants – but they made me cry last night. I know I’m ridiculously overly emotional, but they just made me so proud and happy!!!!

  2. I agree, the stigma behind this illness is absurd! And you gotta hand it to him for being able to play with it — I get it if you’re in remission, but if it’s acting up — wow, that’s not easy to deal with, and on top of that – HE’S FRIGGIN AMAZING. (ps, I love you Jax)

  3. Okay, so Sam beat me to the punch because I too fell in love with your post, but I won’t be a copy cat. I fell in love with was hugs and kisses from a good friend. Simple, but meaningful.

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